C5.32 eConference on Geospatial Components of the Cybertaxonomy Platform

Report on the eConference between EDIT developers which took place the 30th of November 2007, within the framework of the Geospatial Component of the Cybertaxomy platform.

Please download the component here.

C5.49 First test results in the EDIT review environment

5 descriptive tools that should be integrated in the cybertaxonomic platform in the future have previously been selected in order to be tested.
This component provides tool providers and taxonomists point of view about these taxonomic tools.
This document can be downloaded here.

New Activity Leader for WP5.4 Geographical Components

Patricia Mergen (RMCA) will now be leading the WP5.4 geographical component activity in Belgium.

If you have any queries regarding WP5's geographical components please contact Patricia Mergen.

EDIT Community Websites

The EDIT developer wiki now contains a new introduction to the planned Community Websites that allow webpublication of taxonomic data.

C5.42 Formerly D5.4.1. Relevant European databases on environmental and biological data link collection

The HTML compilation and link collection of relevant European databases on environmental and biological data (http://edit.csic.es/Databases.html), includes:
- Databases on surface units (administrative units and regular equal-area units): Sources of the GIS layers of surface units available at the Geoplatform (http://edit.csic.es/).
- Databases on environmental data: Sources of the GIS layers of environmental variables available at the Geoplatform, together with other interesting databases on various environmental issues at the global and European extent.
- Databases on biological data: Taxonomic databases for the whole biota of for specific groups.

C5.36: GIS database of vectorial and raster maps freely available at the European extent

EDIT geoplatform (http://edit.csic.es/GISdownloads.html) provides standard GIS layers of surface units (countries, squares, ...) to evaluate the spatial distribution of occurrence data -spatial completeness-, and standard GIS layers of environmental variables (climate, topography,...) to evaluate weather occurrence data represent adequately the gradients of environmental variation -environmental completeness-.

C5.46 Taxonomic exchange standard specification

The report C5.45 (Identified and described suitable taxonomic tools), the cybertaxonomic platform architecture changed from a set of loosely coupled already existing taxonomic tools (geographic, descriptive, publishing, etc.) to a system based on a common data model (CDM) which uses the Unified Modelling Language (UML) and builds the ground for other applications interfacing with core CDM based data storages.
The Component can be downloaded here.

C5.19 Linkage to BHL – Report for ViTaL Collection Development Policy

This document outlines the means of linking search results in the Virtual Taxonomic Library (ViTaL), currently at the initial stages of development at the Natural History Museum (London) with content held in the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), an important and growing repository of freely available taxonomic literature, which will be one of the sources available for searching by ViTaL users.
A draft collections development policy is also included.
The component can be downloaded here.

C5.26 ViTaL requirements analysis

This document sets out an analysis of the results of the requirements gathering phase carried out by staff at the Natural History Museum (London) for the ViTaL bibliographic data and literature search tools project.
The requirements where collected through a combinations of consultations with taxonomists and library staff, and also though a questionnaire circulated to subscribers of the Taxacom mailing list. The collected responses to the questionnaire and additional comments can be seen in EDIT Component C5.18 ViTaL requirements report.

C5.15 ViTaL draft system design

The component can be downloaded here.

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