
C5.74 Specification of concept-related workflows to be supported by the taxonomic editor (wiki site)

The primary taxonomist’s interface to work with the EDIT platform for cybertaxonomy will be the taxonomic editor desktop application developed by work package 5. The software will be both a tool for capturing taxonomic data according to a specific taxonomic view and a tool for entering different taxonomic views for a particular taxon and the concept relations between views. The design of this software needs as much as possible User participation already in an early development stage.

C5.68 API Documentation for map generation webservices available

As described in the C5.65 and C5.66 component reports, an online GIS webapplication for taxonomic visualisation of point occurrences and regional distribution has been developed by CSIC, in collaboration with BGBM and RMCA, with two major constituents: (i) An interactive online tool for taxonomists, to visualise their data and download the result in a host of image formats (png, jpg,...) in print quality for publication. See the EDIT WP5 C5.66 report. (ii) A REST webservice offering the same functions in an automated way by means of an Application Programming Interface (API).

C5.67 Map generation web-services enhanced for publication ready maps

Based on the M5.28 report (Report on Guidelines to produce publication ready maps), identifying the requirements for the service in terms of quality map printing, features for enhancing the MapViewer tool for publication-ready maps have been studied and implemented.

It should be noted that this implementation work is still ongoing, in close coordination with the map services API development and documentation (see C5.68 report).

C5.66 Regional distribution map generation webservice for online and print quality maps released and available on-line

The regional distribution map generation webservice within the EDIT WP5.4 GeoPlatform is now available.  It allows taxonomists to generate regional distribution maps from their own point data uploads. It can be used for map-making in everyday taxonomic work, much as you would use a GIS system, but without the steep learning curve and complex interface of the latter.

Symbolisation, zoom level, map positioning and background imagery can be adapted on-line, so users can adapt the maps exactly as they require for their daily work and their publications.

C5.65 Point occurrence map generation webservice for online and print quality maps released and online available

MNCN Madrid has been developing a web-application (EDIT MapViewer) that currently allows these actions: 

  • The visualization of user point data in a specified map context
  • Filtering and symbolization (colour, symbol and size) of the uploaded data
  • The identification of user data through two different tools
  • Add different WMS layers coming from the EDIT Web Map Server
  • Make thematic searches in remote WMS servers
  • Load and display layers from a pre-defined list of WMS Servers

C5.64 Global background maps available in printing quality

The assessment of the needs of taxonomists in terms of Geospatial components and the e-conference previously held (see Component 5.32) indicated that there is a high interest in having access to camera ready maps for different publication means ( Websites, Presentations, scientific papers, large format maps, posters). The local post processing of maps for publication has been identified as being far from straightforward and often rather time consuming for non-specialists in GIS systems. The development of a freely available and easy-to-use tool able to produce maps for those taxonomists not experienced in the use of GIS programs is indeed an essential part of EDIT Work Package 5.4 (Geospatial Component).

C5.57 First CDM Framework Implementation available

The CDM Framework is a library that offers all functionality needed: to persistently store data based on the Common Data Model (CDM), to edit the data and to make it available for other applications.

C5.50 Report on integration of existing descriptive tools into the Platform

Several existing tools allow the management of descriptive data, the construction of printable keys and the identification with free access keys. Their inventory and analysis were performed in a former step. Although none of the existing tools stands out against the others, several of them have an extensive user interface, are already adopted by biologists and were validated by numerous applications and taxonomic keys. These tools have hence proven their interest and their accessibility for taxonomists even if they have little or no previous computer experience. The European project KeytoNature, with which a collaboration is in progress, will also contribute to promote the interest in such systems and to distribute applications for multiple audiences.

C5.41 Documentation for GIS webapplication available

As described in the C5.65 and C5.66 component reports, an online GIS webapplication (the EDIT MapViewer Tool) for taxonomic visualisation of point occurrences and regional distribution has been developed by CSIC, in collaboration with RMCA and BGBM. Applications developed include:

C5.29 Pilot of Metalib functional for human access

The services provided by ViTaL have been discussed in detail in previously published project documents. The diagram below has been extracted from document D5.15 ViTaL draft system design. It provides a useful overview of the system architecture. This report documents the pilot launch of the literature metasearch component of ViTaL, hosted at the Natural History Museum (London). The pilot went live on 26 September 2008.

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