CDM Taxonomic Name Information API

This web service endpoint provides information related to a specific name uuid.

The request parameters are :

  • 'nameUuid' [mandatory] : uuid of the scientific name .

The response format can be set by appending the format extension to the service endpoint. Currently this web service supports JSON (fully implemented) and XML (partially implemented).

The response objects returned by this web service endpoint have the following structure:

  • request
    • nameUuid : scientific name uuid provided as input.
  • response
    • citation : citation related to requested name uuid.
    • name : base scientific name of requested name uuid.
    • nameRelationships : list of relationships that the name corresponding to the requested name uuid has with other names.
    • nomenclatureStatus : list of nomenclature status related to the name corresponding to the requested name uuid.
    • rank : rank of name corresponding to the requested name uuid.
    • taxonLsids : list of lsids of taxa related to the name corresponding to the requested name uuid.
    • taxonUuids : list of uuids of taxa related to the name corresponding to the requested name uuid.
    • title : complete scientific name.


  • Possibility to perform multiple queries in one single web service call.
  • Standardised and structured error messages.

Example Requests :

Example Responses :

  • Single name uuid request : nameUuid=711f436d-aea6-4b19-b024-c51fad00afd1 [back]
        "request": {
            "nameUuid": "711f436d-aea6-4b19-b024-c51fad00afd1"
        "response": {
            "citation": "",
            "name": "Platalea leucorodia",
            "nameRelationships": [],
            "nomenclatureStatus": [],
            "rank": "Species",
            "taxonLsids": [""],
            "taxonUuids": ["f50e5d94-fa75-45a7-905e-091c1cfb3fa8"],
            "title": "Platalea leucorodia Linnaeus, 1758"
  • Multiple name uuid request : nameUuid=711f436d-aea6-4b19-b024-c51fad00afd1&nameUuid=44b0d888-68ae-42e3-b44a-ab66c59e4423 [back]
        "request": {
            "nameUuid": "711f436d-aea6-4b19-b024-c51fad00afd1"
        "response": {
            "citation": "",
            "name": "Platalea leucorodia",
            "nameRelationships": [],
            "nomenclatureStatus": [],
            "rank": "Species",
            "taxonLsids": [""],
            "taxonUuids": ["f50e5d94-fa75-45a7-905e-091c1cfb3fa8"],
            "title": "Platalea leucorodia Linnaeus, 1758"
    }, {
        "request": {
            "nameUuid": "44b0d888-68ae-42e3-b44a-ab66c59e4423"
        "response": {
            "citation": "",
            "name": "Tara spinosa",
            "nameRelationships": [],
            "nomenclatureStatus": [],
            "rank": "Species",
            "taxonLsids": [],
            "taxonUuids": ["d2afbe0b-9e14-44d6-acbd-d3fd2e426bfe"],
            "title": "Tara spinosa (Molina) ritton & Rose"
  • Errors : nameUuid=711f436d-aea6-4b19-b024-c51fad00afd2 [back]
        "errorMessage": "No Name for given UUID : 711f436d-aea6-4b19-b024-c51fad00afd2"