CDM Full text Search API

This web service endpoint serves as a search engine for a query term related to a Taxon, e.g. In the free text descriptive data or aspart of the scientific name.

The request parameters are :

  • 'query' [mandatory] : any free text you wish to search for.
  • 'class' [optional] : the class of the TaxonBase object you wish to search for.
  • 'tree' [optional] : the uuid of the classification you wish to search for with the query string.
  • 'languages' [optional] : a list of the languages you wish to search for the query string. English is the default.
  • 'hl' [optional, default value = 20] : a boolean to indicate whether the query term should be highlighted in the response.
  • 'pageSize' [optional, default value = 20] : the number of results within each page in the response. The default is set to 20.
  • 'pageNumber' [optional, default value = 1] : the number of the page to be returned, the first page has the pageNumber = 1.

The response format can be set by appending the format extension to the service endpoint. Currently this web service supports JSON and XML.


  • When the number of records returned are greater than the page size multiple calls to the web service must be made to return the subequent pages.

Example Requests :

Example Responses :

  • Query for the string 'annual' : query=Annual [back]
    class": "DefaultPagerImpl",
    "count": 20,
    "currentIndex": 0,
    "firstRecord": 1,
    "indices": [
    "lastRecord": 19,
    "nextIndex": 0,
    "pageSize": 20,
    "pagesAvailable": 1,
    "prevIndex": 0,
    "records": [
            "class": "SearchResult",
            "docs": [ � ],
            "entity": { � },
            "fieldHighlightMap": { � },
            "maxScore": 0.11066758632659912,
            "score": 0.11066758632659912
            "class": "SearchResult",
            "docs": [
                { � }
            "entity": {
                "appendedPhrase": "",
                "class": "Taxon",
                "created": "2009-02-12T14:11:02.000Z",
                "data": [ ],
                "doubtful": false,
                "excluded": false,
                "lsid": null,
                "protectedTitleCache": false,
                "sec": {
                    "titleCache": "\"Edit WP6 - Cichorieae\", . 2006",
                    "type": "Generic",
                    "problemEnds": -1,
                    "parsingProblem": 0,
                    "datePublished": {
                        "class": "TimePeriod",
                        "end": "",
                        "freeText": "2006",
                        "start": "2006"
                    "created": "2010-05-27T17:54:55.000+01:00",
                    "problemStarts": -1,
                    "nomenclaturallyRelevant": false,
                    "updated": "2013-01-30T17:13:49.314Z",
                    "uri": "",
                    "uuid": "c5b96998-9c52-4f24-81f9-9d0f4de43052",
                    "protectedTitleCache": false,
                    "class": "Reference"
                "taxonStatusUnknown": false,
                "taxonomicChildrenCount": 0,
                "titleCache": "Shinnersoseris rostrata (A. Gray) Tomb sec. \"Edit WP6 - Cichorieae\", . 2006",
                "unplaced": false,
                "updated": "2013-01-30T17:13:49.315Z",
                "useNameCache": false,
                "uuid": "accfc102-1b2b-40bc-a0eb-71636bde7ab9"
            "fieldHighlightMap": {
                "name": [
                    "<B>Annual</B> skeletonweed"
            "maxScore": 0.11066758632659912,
            "score": 0.11066758632659912