Uses of Class

Packages that use TermUris   

Uses of TermUris in

Fields in with type parameters of type TermUris
protected  Set<TermUris> DwcaRecordBase.knownTermFields

Methods in that return TermUris
static TermUris TermUris.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static TermUris[] TermUris.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in with parameters of type TermUris
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.addKnownField(TermUris term)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.print(AgentBase<?> agent, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris fieldKey)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.print(Boolean boolValue, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris fieldKey)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.print(DwcaId dwcaId, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris fieldKey)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.print(Integer intValue, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris fieldKey)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.print(Language language, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris fieldKey)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.print(LSID lsid, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris fieldKey)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.print(Point point, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris latitudeKey, TermUris longitudeKey)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.print(Set<Rights> rights, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris fieldKey)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.print(String value, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris fieldKey)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.print(String value, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris fieldKey, String defaultValue)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.print(URI uri, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris fieldKey)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.print(UUID uuid, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris fieldKey)
protected  void DwcaRecordBase.printNotes(Set<Annotation> notes, PrintWriter writer, boolean addSeparator, TermUris fieldKey)

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