Interface ITaxonomicTreeDao

All Superinterfaces:
IAnnotatableDao<TaxonomicTree>, ICdmEntityDao<TaxonomicTree>, IIdentifiableDao<TaxonomicTree>, ISearchableDao<TaxonomicTree>, ITitledDao<TaxonomicTree>, IVersionableDao<TaxonomicTree>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ITaxonomicTreeDao
extends IIdentifiableDao<TaxonomicTree>


Method Summary
 List<TaxonNode> loadRankSpecificRootNodes(TaxonomicTree taxonomicTree, Rank rank, List<String> propertyPaths)
          Loads all TaxonNodes of the specified tree for a given Rank.
Methods inherited from interface eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.common.IIdentifiableDao
countByReferenceTitle, countByTitle, countRights, countSources, find, findByReferenceTitle, findByTitle, findOriginalSourceByIdInSource, getRights, getSources, getUuidAndTitleCache
Methods inherited from interface eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.common.IAnnotatableDao
countAnnotations, countMarkers, countMarkers, getAnnotations, getMarkers, groupMarkers
Methods inherited from interface eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.common.IVersionableDao
countAuditEvents, countAuditEvents, getAuditEvents, getAuditEvents, getNextAuditEvent, getPreviousAuditEvent
Methods inherited from interface eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.common.ICdmEntityDao
clear, count, count, count, delete, exists, findById, findById, findByUuid, findByUuid, flush, getSession, getType, group, list, list, list, list, list, list, load, load, load, lock, merge, refresh, refresh, replace, rows, save, saveAll, saveOrUpdate, saveOrUpdateAll, update
Methods inherited from interface eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.common.ITitledDao
findByTitle, findByTitle, findByTitle, findByTitleAndClass
Methods inherited from interface eu.etaxonomy.cdm.persistence.dao.common.ISearchableDao
count, optimizeIndex, purgeIndex, rebuildIndex, search, suggestQuery

Method Detail


List<TaxonNode> loadRankSpecificRootNodes(TaxonomicTree taxonomicTree,
                                          Rank rank,
                                          List<String> propertyPaths)
Loads all TaxonNodes of the specified tree for a given Rank. If a branch does not contain a TaxonNode with a TaxonName at the given Rank the node associated with the next lower Rank is taken as root node. If the rank is null the absolute root nodes will be returned.

taxonomicTree -
rank - may be null
propertyPaths -

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