View Javadoc

1   /**
2   * Copyright (C) 2007 EDIT
3   * European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy 
4   *
5   * 
6   * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
7   * See LICENSE.TXT at the top of this package for the full license terms.
8   */
9   package;
11  import java.util.ArrayList;
12  import java.util.HashMap;
13  import java.util.List;
14  import java.util.Map;
15  import java.util.Set;
17  import javax.naming.NameParser;
19  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
20  import org.jdom.Element;
21  import org.jdom.Namespace;
22  import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
23  import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus;
25  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.ICommonService;
26  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.INameService;
27  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.ITaxonService;
28  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.api.service.pager.Pager;
29  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.common.CdmUtils;
30  import;
31  import;
32  import;
33  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.agent.AgentBase;
34  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.agent.Person;
35  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.common.CdmBase;
36  import;
37  import;
38  import;
39  import;
40  import;
41  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.occurrence.Specimen;
42  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.reference.ReferenceBase;
43  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Synonym;
44  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.Taxon;
45  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.model.taxon.TaxonBase;
46  import eu.etaxonomy.cdm.strategy.parser.NonViralNameParserImpl;
49  /**
50   * @author a.mueller
51   * @created 29.07.2008
52   * @version 1.0
53   */
54  @Component
55  public class TaxonXNomenclatureImport extends CdmIoBase<TaxonXImportState> implements ICdmIO<TaxonXImportState> {
56  	private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TaxonXNomenclatureImport.class);
58  	@SuppressWarnings("unused")
59  	private static int modCount = 10000;
61  	public TaxonXNomenclatureImport(){
62  		super();
63  	}
65  	public boolean doCheck(TaxonXImportState state){
66  		boolean result = true;
67  		logger.warn("Checking for Types not yet implemented");
68  		//result &= checkArticlesWithoutJournal(bmiConfig);
69  		//result &= checkPartOfJournal(bmiConfig);
71  		return result;
72  	}
74  	public boolean doInvoke(TaxonXImportState state){		
75"start make Nomenclature ...");
76  		TransactionStatus tx = startTransaction();
77  		TaxonXImportConfigurator config = state.getConfig();
78  		Element root = config.getSourceRoot();
79  		Namespace nsTaxonx = root.getNamespace();
81  		//for testing only
82  		Taxon taxon = getTaxon(config);
83  		boolean isChanged = false;
85  		Element elTaxonBody = root.getChild("taxonxBody", nsTaxonx);
86  		Element elTreatment = elTaxonBody.getChild("treatment", nsTaxonx);
87  		Element elNomenclature = elTreatment.getChild("nomenclature", nsTaxonx);
89  		//isChanged |= doCollectionEvent(txConfig, elNomenclature, nsTaxonx, taxon);
91  		if (taxon != null && taxon.getName() != null && elNomenclature != null){
92  			isChanged |= doNomenclaturalType(config, elNomenclature, nsTaxonx, taxon.getName());
93  			List<Element> elSynonymyList = new ArrayList<Element>();
94  			elSynonymyList.addAll(elNomenclature.getChildren("synonomy", nsTaxonx));
95  			elSynonymyList.addAll(elNomenclature.getChildren("synonymy", nsTaxonx)); //wrong spelling in TaxonX-Schema
96  			for (Element elSynonymy : elSynonymyList){
97  				String synonymName = elSynonymy.getChildTextTrim("name");
98  				if (elSynonymy.getChild("type", nsTaxonx) != null || elSynonymy.getChild("type_loc", nsTaxonx) != null){
99  					Synonym synonym = getSynonym(config, taxon, synonymName);
100 					if (synonym != null){
101 						isChanged |= doNomenclaturalType(config, elSynonymy, nsTaxonx, synonym.getName());
102 					}
103 				}
104 			}
105 		}
108 		if (isChanged){
109 			getTaxonService().save(taxon);
110 		}
111 		commitTransaction(tx);
112 		return true;
113 	}
115 	private Synonym getSynonym(TaxonXImportConfigurator config, Taxon taxon, String synName){
116 		Synonym result = null;
117 		unlazySynonym(config, taxon);
118 		Set<Synonym> synList = taxon.getSynonyms();
119 		for (Synonym syn : synList){
120 			TaxonNameBase<?,?> nameBase = syn.getName();
121 			if (nameBase != null){
122 				if (nameBase.isInstanceOf(NonViralName.class)){
123 					NonViralName<?> nonViralName = nameBase.deproxy(nameBase, NonViralName.class);
124 					if (nonViralName.getNameCache().equals(synName)){
125 						return syn;  //only first synonym is returned
126 					}
127 				}
128 			}
129 		}
130 		logger.warn("Synonym ("+synName+ ")not found for taxon " + taxon.getTitleCache() + getBracketSourceName(config));
131 		return result;
132 	}
134 	private Taxon getTaxon(TaxonXImportConfigurator config){
135 		Taxon result;
136 //		result =  Taxon.NewInstance(BotanicalName.NewInstance(null), null);
137 		//ICommonService commonService =config.getCdmAppController().getCommonService();
138 		ICommonService commonService = getCommonService();
139 		String originalSourceId = config.getOriginalSourceId();
140 		String namespace = config.getOriginalSourceTaxonNamespace();
141 		result = (Taxon)commonService.getSourcedObjectByIdInSource(Taxon.class, originalSourceId , namespace);
142 		if (result == null){
143 			logger.warn("Taxon (id: " + originalSourceId + ", namespace: " + namespace + ") could not be found");
144 		}
145 		return result;
146 	}
148 	/* (non-Javadoc)
149 	 * @see
150 	 */
151 	protected boolean isIgnore(TaxonXImportState state){
152 		return ! state.getConfig().isDoTypes();
153 	}
155 	/**
156 	 * 
157 	 * Reads the collection_event tag, creates the according data and stores it.
158 	 * TODO under work
159 	 * @param elNomenclature
160 	 * @param nsTaxonx
161 	 * @param taxonBase
162 	 * @return
163 	 */
164 	private boolean doNomenclaturalType(TaxonXImportConfigurator config, Element elNomenclature, Namespace nsTaxonx, TaxonNameBase taxonName){
165 		boolean success = true;
166 		if (taxonName == null){
167 			logger.warn("taxonName is null");
168 			return false;
169 		}
170 		if (elNomenclature == null){
171 			logger.warn("elNomenclature is null");
172 			return false;
173 		}
176 		Element elType = elNomenclature.getChild("type", nsTaxonx);
177 		Element elTypeLoc = elNomenclature.getChild("type_loc", nsTaxonx);
179 		if (elType != null || elTypeLoc != null){
180 			unlazyTypeDesignation(config, taxonName);
182 			if (taxonName.isInfraGeneric() || taxonName.isSupraGeneric() || taxonName.isGenus()){
183 				success &= doNameType(elType, taxonName, config);
184 			}else{
185 				success &= doSpecimenType(config, elType, elTypeLoc, taxonName);
188 			}
189 			return success;
190 		}
191 		return false;
192 	}
195 	private boolean doSpecimenType(TaxonXImportConfigurator config, Element elType, Element elTypeLoc, TaxonNameBase taxonName){
196 		ReferenceBase citation = null;
197 		String citationMicroReference = null;
198 		String originalNameString = null;
199 		boolean isNotDesignated = true;
200 		boolean addToAllHomotypicNames = true;
202 		SimpleSpecimen simpleSpecimen = SimpleSpecimen.NewInstance();
203 		//elType
204 		if (elType != null){
205 			doElType(elType, simpleSpecimen, config);
206 		}//elType
208 		//typeLoc
209 		HashMap<Specimen, SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus> typeLocMap = null; 
210 		if (elTypeLoc != null){
211 			typeLocMap = doElTypeLoc(elTypeLoc, simpleSpecimen, taxonName, config);
212 		}
213 		if (typeLocMap != null && typeLocMap.size() >0){
214 			for (Specimen specimen : typeLocMap.keySet()){
215 				SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus status = typeLocMap.get(specimen);
216 				taxonName.addSpecimenTypeDesignation(specimen, status, citation, citationMicroReference, originalNameString, isNotDesignated, addToAllHomotypicNames);
217 			}
218 		}else{ // no type_loc
219 			SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus status = null;
220 			taxonName.addSpecimenTypeDesignation(simpleSpecimen.getSpecimen(), status, citation, citationMicroReference, originalNameString, isNotDesignated, addToAllHomotypicNames);
221 		}
222 		return true;
223 	}
225 	private boolean doElType(Element elType, SimpleSpecimen simpleSpecimen, TaxonXImportConfigurator config){
226 		//type
227 		String text = elType.getTextNormalize();
228 		if (text.endsWith(";")){
229 			text = text + " ";
230 		}
231 		String[] type = text.split(";");
232 		if (type.length != 3 ){
233 			if (text.equals("")){
234"<nomenclature><type> is empty: " + getBracketSourceName(config));
235 			}else{
236 				logger.warn("<nomenclature><type> is of unsupported format: " + elType.getTextNormalize() + getBracketSourceName(config));
237 			}
238 			simpleSpecimen.setTitleCache(elType.getTextNormalize());
239 		}else{
240 			String strLocality = type[0].trim();
241 			if (! "".equals(strLocality)){
242 //				simpleSpecimen.setLocality(strLocality);
243 			}
245 			String strCollector = type[1].trim();
246 			if (! "".equals(strCollector)){
247 				AgentBase collector = Person.NewTitledInstance(strCollector);
248 //				simpleSpecimen.setCollector(collector);
249 			}
251 			String strCollectorNumber = type[2].trim();
252 			if (! "".equals(strCollectorNumber)){
253 //				simpleSpecimen.setCollectorsNumber(strCollectorNumber);
254 			}
256 			String title = CdmUtils.concat(" ", new String[]{strLocality, strCollector, strCollectorNumber});
257 			simpleSpecimen.setTitleCache(title);
258 		}
259 		return true;
260 	}
262 	private boolean doNameType(Element elType, TaxonNameBase taxonName, TaxonXImportConfigurator config){
263 		boolean success = true;
264 		//type
265 		String text = elType.getTextNormalize();
266"Type: " + text);
267 		if (text.endsWith(";")){
268 			text = text + " ";
269 		}
270 		String[] type = text.split(";");
271 		if (type.length != 3 ){
272 			if (text.equals("")){
273"<nomenclature><type> is empty: " + getBracketSourceName(config));
274 			}else{
275 				logger.warn("<nomenclature><type> is of unsupported format: " + elType.getTextNormalize() + getBracketSourceName(config));
276 			}
277 			success = false;
278 		}else{
279 			String statusStr = type[0].trim();
280 			String taxonNameStr = type[1].trim();
281 			String authorStr = type[2].trim();
282 			NameTypeDesignationStatus status = getNameTypeStatus(statusStr);
283 			/*boolean isLectoType = getIsLectoType(statusStr);*/
285 //			if (status == null){
286 //				logger.warn("<nomenclature><type> is of unsupported format: " + elType.getTextNormalize() + getBracketSourceName(config));
287 //				success = false;
288 //			}else{
289 //				TaxonNameBase childType = getChildrenNameType(taxonName, taxonNameStr, authorStr);
290 //				if (childType != null){
291 //					return doNameTypeDesignation(taxonName, childType, status);
292 //				}else{
293 					String[] epis = taxonNameStr.split(" ");
294 					String uninomial = epis[0].trim();
295 					String specEpi = epis[1].trim();
297 					Pager<TaxonNameBase> nameTypes = getNameService().searchNames(uninomial, null, specEpi, null, Rank.SPECIES(), null, null, null, null);
299 					List<NonViralName> result = new ArrayList<NonViralName>();
300 					for (TaxonNameBase nt : nameTypes.getRecords()){
301 						NonViralName nameType = CdmBase.deproxy(nt, NonViralName.class);
302 						if (compareAuthorship(nameType, authorStr)){
303 							result.add(nameType);
304 							success &= doNameTypeDesignation(taxonName, nameType, status/*, isLectoType*/);
305 						}else{
306 							success = success;
307 						}
308 					}
309 					if (result.size() > 1){
310 						logger.warn("More than 1 name matches: " + text);
311 						success = false;
312 					}else if (result.size() == 0){
313 						logger.warn("No name matches: " + text + "(" + config.getSourceNameString() + ")");
314 						success = false;
315 					}
316 //				}
317 //			}
318 		}
319 		return success;
320 	}
323 	private TaxonNameBase getChildrenNameType(TaxonNameBase name, String typeStr, String authorStr){
324 		TaxonNameBase result = null;
325 		Set<TaxonBase> list = name.getTaxonBases();
326 		for (TaxonBase taxonBase : list){
327 			Taxon taxon;
328 			if (taxonBase.isInstanceOf(Taxon.class)){
329 				taxon = CdmBase.deproxy(taxonBase, Taxon.class);
330 			}else{
331 				Synonym syn = CdmBase.deproxy(taxonBase, Synonym.class);
332 				taxon = syn.getAcceptedTaxa().iterator().next();
333 			}
334 			Set<Taxon> children = taxon.getTaxonomicChildren();
335 			for (Taxon child: children){
336 				NonViralName childName = (CdmBase.deproxy(child.getName(), NonViralName.class));
337 				if (childName.getNameCache().equals(typeStr)){
338 					if (compareAuthorship(childName, authorStr)){
339 						return childName;
340 					}
341 				}
342 			}
343 		}
344 		return result;
345 	}
347 	private boolean compareAuthorship(NonViralName typeName, String authorStr){
348 		 boolean result = false;
349 		 authorStr = authorStr.replaceAll("\\s+and\\s+", "&");
350 		 authorStr = authorStr.replaceAll("\\s*", "");
351 		 authorStr = authorStr.replaceAll("\\.$", "");
352 		 String typeCache = typeName.getAuthorshipCache().replaceAll("\\s*", "");
353 		 typeCache = typeCache.replaceAll("\\.$", "");
354 		 if (authorStr.equals(typeCache)){
355 			 return true;
356 		 }else{
357"   Authors different: " + authorStr + " <-> " + typeCache);
358 		 }
359 		 return result;
360 	}
362 	private NameTypeDesignationStatus getNameTypeStatus(String statusString){
363 		//FIXME some types (not further defined types) do not exist yet
364 		if (true){
365 			return null;
366 		}
367 		if (statusString.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("Type")){
368 			return NameTypeDesignationStatus.ORIGINAL_DESIGNATION();
369 		}else if (statusString.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("Lectotype")){
370 			return NameTypeDesignationStatus.LECTOTYPE();
371 		}else if (statusString.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("Holotype")){
372 			logger.warn("Holotype does not yet exist in CDM");
373 			return NameTypeDesignationStatus.NOT_APPLICABLE();
374 		}else if (statusString.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("paratype")){
375 			logger.warn("paratype does not yet exist in CDM");
376 			return NameTypeDesignationStatus.NOT_APPLICABLE();
377 		}
378 		else{
379 			logger.warn("Status not recognized: " + statusString);
380 			return null;
381 		}
382 	}
384 	private boolean getIsLectoType(String statusString){
385 		//FIXME may be deleted once getNameTypeStatus works finde
386 		if (statusString.trim().equals("Lectotype")){
387 			return true;
388 		}else{
389 			return false;
390 		}
391 	}
394 	private boolean doNameTypeDesignation(TaxonNameBase name, TaxonNameBase type, NameTypeDesignationStatus status/*, boolean isLectoType*/){
395 		ReferenceBase citation = null;
396 		String citationMicroReference = null;
397 		String originalNameString = null;
398 		boolean addToAllHomotypicNames = true;
400 //		name.addNameTypeDesignation(type, citation, citationMicroReference, originalNameString, status, addToAllHomotypicNames);
401 		name.addNameTypeDesignation(type, citation, citationMicroReference, originalNameString,status, false, false, /*isLectoType, */false, addToAllHomotypicNames);
402 		return true;
403 	}
405 	/**
406 	 * Reads the typeLoc element split in parts for eacht type (holo, iso,...)
407 	 * @param elTypeLoc
408 	 * @param simpleSpecimen
409 	 * @param taxonName
410 	 * @param config
411 	 * @return
412 	 */
413 	private HashMap<Specimen, SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus> doElTypeLoc(Element elTypeLoc, 
414 			SimpleSpecimen simpleSpecimen, 
415 			TaxonNameBase<?,?> taxonName,
416 			TaxonXImportConfigurator config){
418 		HashMap<Specimen, SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus> result = new HashMap<Specimen, SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus>();
420 		String typeLocFullString = elTypeLoc.getTextTrim();
421 		typeLocFullString = typeLocFullString.replace("(", "").replace(")", "");
422 		String[] typeLocStatusList = typeLocFullString.split(";");
424 		Specimen originalSpecimen = simpleSpecimen.getSpecimen();
427 		for (String typeLocStatus : typeLocStatusList){
428 			typeLocStatus = typeLocStatus.trim();
429 			int pos = typeLocStatus.indexOf(" ");
430 			if (pos == -1){
431 				logger.warn("Unknown format or empty type_loc : '" +typeLocStatus + "'" + getBracketSourceName(config));
432 				result.put(originalSpecimen, null);
433 			}else{
434 				String statusString = typeLocStatus.substring(0,pos); 
435 				SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus status = getStatusByStatusString(statusString.trim(), config);
436 				//TODO
437 				//String[] collectionStrings = typeLocStatus.substring(pos).split(",");
438 				String tmpCollString = typeLocStatus.substring(pos).trim();
439 				//for(String collectionString : collectionStrings){
440 					if (tmpCollString.contains("typ")){
441 						logger.warn("Is this really only a collection string? : "  + tmpCollString + getBracketSourceName(config));
442 					}
443 					Specimen specimen;
444 					specimen = (Specimen)originalSpecimen.clone();
445 					String title = originalSpecimen.getTitleCache();
446 					title = title + "(" + tmpCollString + ")";
447 					specimen.setTitleCache(title, true );
448 					result.put(specimen, status);
449 				//}
450 			}
451 		}
453 		return result;
454 	}
456 	/**
457 	 * 
458 	 * Reads the collection_event tag, creates the according data and stores it.
459 	 * TODO under work
460 	 * @param elNomenclature
461 	 * @param nsTaxonx
462 	 * @param taxonBase
463 	 * @return
464 	 */
465 	private boolean doCollectionEvent(TaxonXImportConfigurator config, Element elNomenclature, Namespace nsTaxonx, TaxonBase taxonBase){
466 		boolean result = false;
467 		if (elNomenclature == null){
468 			return false;
469 		}
470 		Element elCollectionEvent = elNomenclature.getChild("collection_event", nsTaxonx);
471 		if (elCollectionEvent == null){
472 			return result;
473 		}
474 		Element elLocality = elCollectionEvent.getChild("locality", nsTaxonx);
475 		Element elType = elCollectionEvent.getChild("type", nsTaxonx);
476 		Element elTypeLoc = elCollectionEvent.getChild("type_loc", nsTaxonx);
478 		//locality
479 		SimpleSpecimen simpleSpecimen = SimpleSpecimen.NewInstance();
480 		String locality = elLocality.getTextNormalize();
481 		if (! "".equals(locality)){
482 			simpleSpecimen.setLocality(locality);
483 		}
485 		//type
486 		String[] type = elType.getTextNormalize().split(" ");
487 		if (type.length != 2 ){
488 			logger.warn("<collecion_even><type> is of unsupported format: " + elType.getTextNormalize());
489 		}else{
490 			AgentBase collector = Person.NewTitledInstance(type[0]);
491 			simpleSpecimen.setCollector(collector);
493 			String collectorNumber = type[1];
494 			simpleSpecimen.setCollectorsNumber(collectorNumber);
495 		}
497 		//typeLoc
498 		String typeLocFullString = elTypeLoc.getTextTrim();
499 		typeLocFullString = typeLocFullString.replace("(", "").replace(")", "");
500 		String[] typeLocStatusList = typeLocFullString.split(";");
502 		Specimen originalSpecimen = simpleSpecimen.getSpecimen();
504 		//TODO special character ?, �, ! 
506 		for (String typeLocStatus : typeLocStatusList){
507 			typeLocStatus = typeLocStatus.trim();
508 			int pos = typeLocStatus.indexOf(" ");
509 			if (pos == -1){
510 				logger.warn("Unknown format: " + typeLocStatus);
511 			}else{
512 				String statusString = typeLocStatus.substring(0,pos); 
513 				SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus status = getStatusByStatusString(statusString.trim(), config);
514 				String[] collectionStrings = typeLocStatus.substring(pos).split(",");
515 				for(String collectionString : collectionStrings){
516 					if (taxonBase != null){
517 						TaxonNameBase<?, ?> taxonName = taxonBase.getName();
518 						if (taxonName != null){
519 							ReferenceBase citation = null;
520 							String citationMicroReference = null;
521 							String originalNameString = null;
522 							boolean isNotDesignated = true;
523 							boolean addToAllHomotypicNames = true;
524 							Specimen specimen = (Specimen)originalSpecimen.clone();
525 							unlazyTypeDesignation(config, taxonName);
526 							taxonName.addSpecimenTypeDesignation(specimen, status, citation, citationMicroReference, originalNameString, isNotDesignated, addToAllHomotypicNames);
527 							result = true;
528 						}
529 					}
530 				}
531 			}
532 		}
533 		return result;
534 	}
537 	private static Map<String, SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus> statusMap;
538 	private static void fillTypeStatusMap(){
539 		statusMap = new HashMap<String, SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus>();
540 		statusMap.put("epitype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.EPITYPE());
541 		statusMap.put("holotype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.HOLOTYPE());
542 		statusMap.put("iconotype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.ICONOTYPE());
543 		statusMap.put("isotype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.ISOTYPE());
544 		statusMap.put("isoneotype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.ISONEOTYPE());
545 		statusMap.put("isosyntype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.ISOSYNTYPE());
546 		statusMap.put("isolectotype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.ISOLECTOTYPE());
547 		statusMap.put("lectotype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.LECTOTYPE());
548 		statusMap.put("syntype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.SYNTYPE());
549 		statusMap.put("paratype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.PARATYPE());
550 		statusMap.put("neotype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.NEOTYPE());
551 		statusMap.put("isoepitype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.ISOEPITYPE());
552 		statusMap.put("originalmaterial", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.ORIGINAL_MATERIAL());
553 		statusMap.put("paralectotype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.PARALECTOTYPE());
554 		statusMap.put("paraneotype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.PARANEOTYPE());
555 		statusMap.put("phototype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.PHOTOTYPE());
556 		statusMap.put("secondsteplectotype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.SECOND_STEP_LECTOTYPE());
557 		statusMap.put("secondstepneotype", SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus.SECOND_STEP_NEOTYPE());
558 		statusMap.put("type", null);
559 	}
562 	//TODO move to TypeDesignation class
563 	/**
564 	 * Returns the typeDesignationStatus according to a type designation status string
565 	 * @param statusString
566 	 * @return TypeDesignationStatus
567 	 */
568 	private static SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus getStatusByStatusString(String statusString, TaxonXImportConfigurator config){
569 		SpecimenTypeDesignationStatus result = null;
570 		if (statusString == null || "".equals(statusString.trim())){
571 			return null;
572 		}
573 		statusString = statusString.trim().toLowerCase();
574 		statusString = statusString.replace("typi", "typus");
575 		statusString = statusString.replace("typus", "type");
576 		statusString = statusString.replace("types", "type");
577 		statusString = statusString.toLowerCase();
579 		if (statusMap == null){
580 			fillTypeStatusMap();
581 		}
582 		result = statusMap.get(statusString);
583 		if (statusString.equals("type")){
584"No type designation type" + getBracketSourceName(config));
585 		}else if (result == null){
586 			logger.warn("Unknown type status string: " + statusString + getBracketSourceName(config));
587 		}
588 		return result;
589 	}
592 	/**
593 	 * TODO Preliminary to avoid laizy loading errors
594 	 */
595 	private void unlazyTypeDesignation(TaxonXImportConfigurator config, TaxonNameBase taxonNameBase){
596 		TransactionStatus txStatus = startTransaction();
597 		//INameService taxonNameService = config.getCdmAppController().getNameService();
598 		INameService taxonNameService = getNameService();
601 		Set<TaxonNameBase> typifiedNames = taxonNameBase.getHomotypicalGroup().getTypifiedNames();
602 		for(TaxonNameBase typifiedName: typifiedNames){
603 			typifiedName.getTypeDesignations().size();	
604 		}
605 		//taxonNameService.saveTaxonName(taxonNameBase);
606 		commitTransaction(txStatus);
607 	}
609 	/**
610 	 * TODO Preliminary to avoid laizy loading errors
611 	 */
612 	private void unlazySynonym(IImportConfigurator config, Taxon taxon){
613 		TransactionStatus txStatus = startTransaction();
614 		ITaxonService taxonService = getTaxonService();
616 		Set<Synonym> synonyms = taxon.getSynonyms();
617 		logger.debug(synonyms.size());
618 		//taxonService.saveTaxon(taxon);
619 		commitTransaction(txStatus);
620 	}
622 	private static String getBracketSourceName(TaxonXImportConfigurator config){
623 		return "(" + config.getSourceNameString() + ")";
624 	}
627 }