r.vignes's blog

M5.16 Criteria for descriptive tools agreed and published

Milestone M5.16 summarizes the main criteria on which the taxonomic tools test phase will soon be based of.
Criteria have been structured in five principles categories that are technical properties, knowledge representation, functionalities, user interface and some more general questions.
This list of criteria is non exhaustive and will still be modified after taxonomists interviews.
To download the milestone please click here

WP5 Meeting in Paris

A meeting was organized in Paris the 13th of june with WP5 partners in order to discuss on criterias to evaluate the taxonomic tools and to determine a list of taxonomists that could be interviewed about the descriptive tools concerned by the platform of cybertaxonomy.

We also spoke about the content of these coming interviews.

You can download the meeting report here

C5.47 List (website) of identified and to-be-tested descriptive tools

Component C5.47 gives an idea of the large number of taxonomic descriptive tools available on internet. Most of the time, these applications are very useful for a large public but don't provide enough specificities to be include as components of an IT cybertaxonomic platform. The component includes a short list of selected tools to be tested in the context of EDIT.
To download the component please click here

WP5.6 & IdentifyLife Meeting in Paris

WP5.4 (MNHN) met with Kevin Thiele (Western Australian Herbarium) to discuss IdentifyLife and Lucid, a programme designed to manage descriptive data for identification.

In the context of EDIT, WP5.6 will start testing a range of descriptive programmes (e.g. Delta-Access, Delta-Intkey, EFG2, IKBS, Linnaeus II, Lucid, Navikey, Xper2 etc.) as well as having at least two knowledge databases that are accessible on these different systems. It appears that CSV files could be a possible way to exchange data between Lucid and Xper2 (i.e. SDD schema would be preferable in the future). WP5.6 results will appear on the WP5 blog.


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