
WP5.6 & IdentifyLife Meeting in Paris

WP5.4 (MNHN) met with Kevin Thiele (Western Australian Herbarium) to discuss IdentifyLife and Lucid, a programme designed to manage descriptive data for identification.

In the context of EDIT, WP5.6 will start testing a range of descriptive programmes (e.g. Delta-Access, Delta-Intkey, EFG2, IKBS, Linnaeus II, Lucid, Navikey, Xper2 etc.) as well as having at least two knowledge databases that are accessible on these different systems. It appears that CSV files could be a possible way to exchange data between Lucid and Xper2 (i.e. SDD schema would be preferable in the future). WP5.6 results will appear on the WP5 blog.


Information Science & Technology Committee (ISTC)

ISTC is still looking for members from EDIT partner institutions. If you are interested in joining the ISTC or would like your institution to be represented please contact Malte C. Ebach (WP5 Coordinator) providing the name and contact details of the appropriate person. Typically this would be a person responsible for the institutions IT department, a biologist chairing the institutions IT group, or some similar responsible position.

WP5.2, 5.7 and WP6 Meeting in RBGK - Report (22-23.01.2007)

WP5.2, 5.7 and WP6 meeting the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew to discuss the modeling effort of WP5.2, interactions between WP5, 6 & CATE and the WP5.7 communication tools platform.

To download the meeting report please click here.