C5.07 A comprehensive EDIT standards list available online

Based on previous reports (D5.45, D5.46) a comprehensive list of standards supported by EDIT and in particular
the Platform for Cybertaxonomy, has been published on the web and will be
continuously updated, if necessary:


C5.32 eConference on Geospatial Components of the Cybertaxonomy Platform

Summary of E-Conference about the implementation of the Geospatial component
of EDIT WP5.4
Date: 30/11/2007 Via Skype

The component can be downloaded here

C5.05 Report from the second ISTC meeting


2nd Meeting, September 10-11, 2007

C5.04 Documentation of internal rules for hardware and software and IST resources of remaining EDIT partner

The documentation of the internal decision making
structures of the participating Information Science and Technology (IST)
departments, the documentation of internal provisions, rules and traditions for
the acquisition and use of equipment and software; and the documentation of
relevant hardware and software resources is thus essential:

EDIT/Key to Nature collaboration

The EDIT workshop that took place the
7th of February in Amsterdam and that followed a Key to Nature (K2N)
meeting (for more details see the news below entitled "EDIT
workshop report") was an opportunity to bring together
protagonists of EDIT and K2N. K2N is a project which main objective
is to enhance the knowledge of biodiversity at all educational levels
by providing common access to data and interactive educational tools
for the identification of organisms.  A collaboration between
EDIT and K2N has been considered and should first concern the



    The ISTC meets once a year to ensure timely input for the planning of the next period of the EDIT project.

    6 ISTC Meeting will take place 19 January 2011 as side event of the EDIT year 5 event in Paris


WP5 Internet Platform for Cybertaxonomy: tools, sharing, networking, and integration
WP5 Leader: Walter G. Berendsohn (BGBM)
WP5 Scientific Coordinator: Agnes Kirchhoff (BGBM)
WP5 Administrator: Karola Stemmer (BGBM)


Description of work (Months 36 - 53)
5.1 Integration of IST departments; over-all WP5 coordination. Leader: Agnes Kirchhoff (BGBM).


WP5 Participants


More advances in EDIT Map Viewer

The EDIT team in Brussels (former in Madrid) is pleased to announce that the currently developed EDIT mapViewer (http://edit.br.fgov.be/edit_wp5/geo/mapviewer/maps.html) already allows not only the upload of user point data, but also its filtering and symbolization. This is an essential and important difference between the last announcement (dated in 02/15/2008). The next step will be the integration of tools to make easier the printing of the resulting maps. The insertion of user data must be in a comma-separated-values text file format (CSV extension).

M5.20a BD Tracker launched

The Biodiversity Service & Application Tracker is a collection of links to software, tools and resources useful to taxonomists. All applications and services are categorised into an expandable and potentially hierarchical system covering major biodiversity topics. The site was developed and initially populated with the help of the EDIT WP5. EDIT also certifies software to be compatible with EDIT's Platform for Cybertaxonomy, a variety of tools known to work together to assist taxonomic work.

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